Booking a drone and frequently asked questions
How to book our drone services?
We like to keep the booking of our drones simple and flexible.
1. Get in touch and tell us how we might be able to help...
Drop us an email or give us a call – you tell us about what you are looking for from our drones, including the purpose, the subject, where (exact address and postcode if a specific location), and when (is it is a fixed date or fixed time frame).
The first thing we will usually do is take a look at the location on our maps to see the areas to safely fly our drones in.
2. We discuss and agree...
We will then discuss and agree on the brief and quote. This will, of course, include locations, timings, delivery of the footage, and any editing and processing requirements.
3. LUNAR works on the logistics...
We will have to do a Risk and Method Statement – This includes, either using Google Earth, land maps, or a site visit or any combination of these – this enables us to establish a safe take-off/landing point as required by the Civil Aviation Authority and to identify potential hazards – power lines, airfields, public rights of ways. We may also need to inform certain authorities about our activities - such as prisons and airport and on some occasions we need special permission to have our drone unlocked to fly in a strict no fly zones.
We also need to work on getting the landowners permissions from where we take off, LUNAR will work on this, but any contacts you have always helps to speed up the process. Sometimes it is a quick process; sometimes it can take some time, depending on whom we are asking the permission from.
4. Drone pilots are weather watchers...
Once everything is lined up we will take advantage of the next available day with weather to suit your requirements - sometimes sun, sometimes grey and occasionally you may want fog, its your call. We just can't fly in strong winds or rain.
5. We will keep you posted along the way... and double check the details prior to flight day.
We try to keep it simple as possible for our clients.
Frequently asked questions.
What quality images can your camera and drone equipment produce?
At LUNAR Aerial Imaging we use a range of drones and cameras. See the Home page for details.
Please check in with us though as we are regularly updating and improving our equipment. We are well versed in hiring specialist camera gear to suit our clients needs.
What do you need to fly drones for commercial purposes?
For commercial purposes you need to have completed training, created a hefty safety manual, and proved yourself with knowledge and safe flying skills. From this you need to get permission from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and to register with them. This registration must be renewed annually.
How many people do you need on the job?
It varies. For some jobs, apart from the pilot, we work with an Observer for CAA public safety reasons. For video work we operate with a crew of two most of the time: the pilot, an observer and a camera operator. Having a camera operator enables us to generate the dynamic and high quality footage that our clients demand. Where crowd control is needed we use additional team members - spotters.
What about flying at or near an airport?
We often do this. It requires more special permission, more paper work, more safety procedures, take a look at this article we recently wrote, it goes in to great depth about flying near airports.
What about insurance?
LUNAR Aerial Imaging has full public liability insurance of £10 million.
Can you fly the drone indoors? What about at night?
Yes to both. Flying indoors is one of the unique benefits of drone filming. You do need special CAA permission to fly at night, LUNAR has this.
What do you charge for flying the drone?
As a guide, prices can start at around £300, and we usually charge £550 for a half day for still photography. For video work we employ a camera operator and the half-day charge becomes £590. Ask for our Rate Card.
Where relevant travel and accommodation costs will be agreed in advance.
How high and how far can the drones operate?
Under CAA law the maximum legal height for a drone is 120m (400 feet) with a maximum distance of 500m from the pilot. This can change depending on the airspace, such as when flying near an airport. We check this each time in our Risk and Method Statements.
What about privacy, confidentiality and data protection?
Our policy - we aim at all times to comply with the regulations laid down by the Data Protection Act and the guidelines suggested by the Information Commissioner’s Office. Plus we use common sense. Should you be concerned we are always happy to write up a Privacy Impact Assessment for your reassurance.
Do you sell your photos or video clips?
Yes. For videos check out our stock footage page. For photos, you can see some here. But for both please get in touch, and let us know what you are looking for and we will be able to guide you. Of course there is some of work for clients work that we would not be able to sell.
Get in touch if you cant find what you are looking for, we might have it on our files.
What about the weather?
The ever changing British means that we have to be super flexible, and we like it that way, we want to get the best shots for our clients. Depsite being pretty landlocked it seems to be the sailor in us to watch the weather. We will work with you, consult with you and we can take it from there. It might be that you want, some fog, sunshine, a flat grey day… we go with it.
What's your Plan B?
If permissions are not forthcoming or if there are serious public safety or privacy reasons why we can't fly the drone, we can use our 16 metre telescopic camera pole or elevated mast to get some amazing stills or video. Cant find the answer you were looking for? Get in touch